Back in 2002 virtual dressing rooms hit the scene with the promise of making shopping online much easier and less scary. This fad was highly debuted in the fashion and technology world, and then, like every fad, sort of faded off the radar. The Technology Starlet decided to go into the world of virtual dressing rooms and see if they make us wanna leave the real dressing rooms alone and opt for the these online worlds.
Virtual Dressing Room #1: Watch Me Change by Gap
I have one word for this virtual dressing room... HORRIBLE! If I look that bad online, then you can bet that I would never ever ever ever ever buy anything from Gap using this web application. It's obviously meant to be for fun only, the choice of clothes are limited, and my aviator did a corny dressing room dance at the end, it was absolutely disgusting. The best outfit I could come up with was this Ellen Degeneres type get up with jeans, a button down shirt, and a blazer.. no accessories, no dresses, nothing cute at all!
Virtual Dressing Room #2: My Virtual Model
Me trying on a top from H&M and pants from Sears
Me strutting my stuff in a bathing suit from Lands End
All in all this post was a lot of fun and me an my aviator are getting along great.
Next Week.. virtual interior decorating.***UPDATE 1/30/2008***